Motueka South School
He Kura Mā Tātou - A School For Everyone
Motueka South School (MSS) is a full primary school catering for Year 1 to 8 students. MSS is a respectful community, striving for and celebrating success.
He hāpori manaaki tātou, e ngana ana me te whakanui ki te angitu.
MSS has three values that we consider 'Keys to Success':
M - Manage self ~ Tū-rite (make good, responsible choices)
S - Show respect ~ Manaakitanga (care and value myself, others, our environment and learning)
S - Strive to learn ~ Ākona (pursue learning, use a growth mindset)
Principal's Welcome
Tēnā koutou katoa.
Nau mai haere mai ki te kura o Motueka ki te tonga.
Greetings and welcome to Motueka South School.
Motueka South School has a long and proud history of providing quality teaching and learning for New Entrants to Year 8 students.
We are situated at the southern start of Motueka and are a full primary of around 200+ tamariki. Our students are at the centre of all that we do. Our ākonga are challenged to make an effort and put in the mahi, while emersed in an environment that is caring, supportive and facilitates progress. We strive to provide a sense of belonging where students have the confidence to be themselves and develop resilence and growth mindsets. We offer a wide range of academic, cultural and sporting activities to ensure that children are well rounded learners.
Our high expectations for learning and behaviour, alongside our school values of Tū-Rite - Managing Self, Manaakitanga - Showing Respect and Ākona - Striving to Learn support the positive, inclusive environment that we create.
Our learning community is built on a strong partnership between home and school. When you enrol at our school we ask that you commit to being a partner in your child’s learning and to maintain a strong connection to our kura.
I am very privileged to be tumuaki here at Motueka South. I am proud of our school, our learning environment and the wonderful team we have here. New whānau are welcome to come and see our place, people and the opportunities available.
Ngā mihi nui, Paul Shand
+64 3 528 7533 Option 1
or text +64 27 758 0419
450 High Street, Motueka 7120, New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 528 7533